Jane's determination must turn into SINGLE-MINDLESSNESS when she begins to study science or engineering. She may find the program content too narrow and focused for her liking, with few chances to take elective courses in the arts. She may be so swamped by science and computer and mathematics courses that she has no time to consider her studies in the broad context of society.

Professors treat male students more seriously than female, asking them more questions and spending more time on their concerns.

Many women switch out of science because of this; those who do so tend to be top performers rather than average or poor students (3). One of my students was so appalled by the rigid curriculum of engineering that she turned against the whole profession, pronouncing it "very limited," full of technicians rather than thinking people, and with expertise greatly overvalued by society. She is now an A+ student of women's history.

Jane must be DEDICATED enough to master material taught in a way that may irritate or devalue her. At least some women are put off by an emphasis on problem-solving in physics and chemistry classes (4). These women want concepts to be discussed, and to know the relevancy to society of what they are learning. They want cooperation and interaction with others in their courses, and less competition.

In one relevant study, Sherry Turkle looked at the male-centered culture of computers. "dominated by images of competition, sports and violence" that dishearten many women (5). Women are more likely than men to view computers as "just a tool"; few girls become computer hacks who are completely absorbed in computer manipulations, often unable to cope with personal relationships or social niceties.

The actual teaching method in Jane's courses may also be a problem for her. Professors treat their male students more seriously than their female students, asking them more questions and spending more time on their answers and concerns (6). (Professors are often amazed, especially if they are women, when research in their classes demonstrates they really are doing this even though they believed their teaching to be gender unbiased) (7).

Jane will need LONG-TERM PERSISTENCE, fully-trained scientist must have a Ph.D., and often postdoctoral experience as well. In biology and chemistry, where students without doctorates can likely find work as technicians and research assistants, many women decide not to enroll for a Ph.D., whereas in physics and geology women are more likely to earn their Ph.D.s. These fields have traditionally had relatively fewer women than have biology and chemistry, so perhaps those who enter them have more resolve-enough to carry them through graduate school (8).

In computer science, women are much more likely than men to drop out of graduate school (9). This is, at least in part, because of less financial support than men receive, decreased self-confidence, and roadblocks and pressures that men don't experience.

As a scientist, Jane will have to get used to WORKING WITH MEN. Almost all her professors will be men, as will moot of her fellow students. She may not notice it, but the male-dominated atmosphere at university will undermine her self confidence.

When young women and men enter university, about one-fifth of each group describes itself as being "far above average" in intelligence (10). When these students are in their fourth year, the women (unlike the men) no longer describe themselves in such glowing terms. The self esteem of all the women, including the brightest, has been eroded. An astrophysics student writes "Sometimes I sense that my ideas strike certain men in the fields as not being serious about physics and that can be maddening and/or saddening". Jane will find that she may do excellent work, but will often have this work devalued because she is female.

Because of sexist attitudes, Jane will have to have a THICK SKIN when she goes to classes taught by sexist professors. These men may describe a bimodal graph as being like a woman's breasts, or refer to women students as "girls" even if they are in their thirties. If a student objects to a professor's sexist language, he may retaliate angrily "I will not be censored!" rather than try to understand her comments (11).

If a woman asks questions related to women's interests, the male students may soon become restless and urge the professor not to waste time with irrelevancies. Women in science, to a greater extent than men, value " personal relationships, caring for self and others, and working in a supportive environment--attributes often minimized in science and engineering (12). A fish endocrinology student says her feminist beliefs have "affected my desire to work in a male-dominated, sexist atmosphere. I am presently making plans to leave research and commit my time to teaching and a more activist career.

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