WOMEN'S EDUCATION DES FEMMES, a feminist connection to the world of learning and education, is published quarterly by the Canadian Congress for Learning Opportunities for Women, a national organization that promotes feminist education and the empowerment of women.

Editorial Board
Shauna Butterwick (Chair)
Wendy Mishkin
Debbie Wise-Harris

Editing and Production
Christina Starr

Anne Minguet-Patocka

Word Processing
Maime Huggins

Printed by
Delta Web Graphics

Individuals $18, 19
Organizations $32,10

Graphic Design
Art & Facts Design
and Communications

Views and opinions expressed in Women's Education des femmes are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of the Secretary of State or CCLOW.

47 Main St.
Toronto, Ontario
M4E 2V6

(416) 699-1909
Fax (416) 699-2145

ISSN 0714-9786

Women's EDUCATION des femmes


For a critical look at the way the educational system neglects the needs of women outside the mainstream in this issue, we are much indebted to Diane Driedger and April D'Aubin who got the ball rolling with their excellent article on disabled women and literacy. Sharon Goldberg was fast enough to catch up with Charlotte Bunch and through an interview provides us with her insight into recognizing the diversity of women. Judith Grant tells us about a program for mature women wishing to return to school, Marie Letellier describes the diverse situation of women's groups in Quebec, and Judith Clayden outlines the work of a resource centre serving women in the Manitoba north. Lanie Melamed suggests we might learn ways of knowing from older, more playful women, and Liz Stimpson's Commentary rounds out the issue with a catalogue of access problems for disabled women at educational institutions. Miriam Jones and Heather Wright offer competent critiques in our Reviews. The poetry comes to us through the creativity of Betsy Struthers, di brandt, and Lorna Crozier; Sandra Gregson and Catherine O'Neill contributed graphics.

We gratefully acknowledge the financial contribution of the Women's Program, Secretary of State, Canada.


In the interests of the widest dissemination of material, WEdf encourages readers to reproduce material from the magazine for the purposes of education and learning, with the proviso that we are notified of such use. For other purposes of reproduction, such as reprinting material in another publication, we ask that permission be requested from the Editor of WEdf.


The address given in the Resources of Vol.8 No.2 (Older Women and Education) for the Older Women's Network should have been:

Older Women's Network
427 Bloor Street West
Toronto, Ontario
M5S 1X7
(416) 924-4188


The cover drawing is a graphic by Catherine O'Neill of Ottawa, Ontario.

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