My mother was not really violent but she did things to make me scared of her. One time, the only time, she told me to fight her but I didn't want to. My father was sitting on the basement steps watching us; he really didn't do anything, all be said was "Jennifer, leave her alone!" I don't think I will ever forget any of the bad memories that I have of my mother. Sometimes I hate her so much! But what can I do or say?

par Marla

De onze ans à dix-neuf ans, j'ai eu beaucoup de problèmes avec ma mère adoptive. Je ne pouvais me concentrer à l'école, car je m'inquiétais de ce qui allait se passer à la maison en rentrant. J'ai envisagé de me suicider, mais je n'ai pas eu le courage de mettre mes plans à exécution. Ma mère n'était pas violente, mais elle agissait de telle sorte que j'avais peur d'elle. Je pense que je ne pourrai jamais effacer les mauvais souvenirs que ma mère m'a laissés.

by Priscilla

I grew up in a home where there was a lot of mental abuse. I feel that it has affected my self-esteem and self worth, throughout my teen years and now in adulthood. My low self worth, I feel, is shown by my dropping out of school at the age of sixteen. I am now 25 years old and trying to begin again with my education. I find that an important part of my education is the work and repairing I have been doing with myself, on my self esteem. The two to me, very much, go together.

by Jocelyn

I remember when I was growing up. I grew up in a violent home, whether it was mentally, physically or sexually. I was only 6 years old when everything started. When I take time to remember what I did when I was younger, all I could remember are the bad things. Still today, it's hard for me to remember what bothered me most was the sexual abuse. Not only did my stepfather abuse me, but so did my foster father and his friends. Even in school, I had this principal who would sexually harass me. I hate them all. I hated men.

I find that an important part of my education is the work and repairing I have been doing with myself on my self-esteem. The two to me, very much, go together.

In class, I couldn't concentrate right. The subjects I look at school were O.K. but math I hate. Sometimes I wonder why. Maybe it's because my math teacher was the principal. He used to look at me, wink at me, and touch me even if I'd like to walk by; I used to skip his classes. I thought I'd get out of it but when I'd come into class later on, he' d call me to the principal's office, his office. He gave me the creeps all over. I was 14 years old when I first met him. This went on for 2 years until I finally left elementary school to go to high school. My schooling went right down. I quit when I went to high school. So now I'm back in school and I want to keep going. I'm a lot older now and I'm not going to let no one do this to me again. It affected me so much and I was always afraid. Afraid of anything or anybody. If you notice anything of a disturbed child, please don't ignore that child. Help him or her. They are the ones who will brighten up our futures, only if we treat them right.

par Priscilla

J'ai été maltraitée mentalement pendant toute ma jeunesse. J'ai le sentiment que mon amour-propre et ma confiance en moi ont été profondément affectés pendant mon adolescence et jusqu'à l'âge adulte. Aujourd'hui, à vingt-cinq ans, j'essaie de refaire mon éducation, dont une partie importante consiste à réparer les dégâts qu'a subis ma confiance en moi. Pour moi, les deux vont de pair.

par Jocelyn

J'ai grandi dans un foyer plein de violence. Mon beau-père, ainsi que mon père nourricier et ses amis m'ont maltraitée. À l'école, le directeur m'a sexuellement harcelée. J'étais incapable de me concentrer. Le directeur étant mon professeur de maths, je ratais ses cours. Il m'a harcelée jusqu'à ce que j'aille à l'école secondaire. J'ai ensuite abandonné mes études.. Si vous remarquez un enfant perturbé, ne l'ignorez jamais. Aidez-le. C'est lui qui illuminera notre avenir si nous le traitons bien.

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