a feminist connection to the world of learning and education, is published
quarterly by the Canadian Congress for Learning Opportunities for Women, a
national organization that promotes feminist education and the empowerment of
Editorial Board Shauna
Butterwick (Chair) Dilys Kluthe Debbie Wise Harris Norma Lundberg
Diane Roy
Editing and Production
Christina Starr
Translation Anne
Word Processing Maime
Poetry Editor Margaret
Printed by Hartley Gibson
Individuals $18.19 Organizations $32.10
Graphic Design Luna
Desktop Publishing
View and opinions expressed in
Women's Education des femmes are those of the authors and do not
necessarily reflect the views of CCLOW, Secretary of State, or other funders.
CCLOW 47 Main Street
Toronto, Ontario M4E2V6 (416) 699-1909 Fax: (416) 699-2145
ISSN 0714-9786 |
This issue is dedicated to all the women and girls who
have experienced and are experiencing violence and abuse as they seek to
There are many people to thank in bringing together this
powerful and pain ful look at the effect of violence on women's education.
Firstly, the guest editorial collective (Anne Elliott, Wanita Koczka, Pip Van
Nispen, Patricia Williams), who refined the focus of this issue and who reached
out to welcome and encourage submissions from women, some of whom may otherwise
never have had the chance to speak. The strength, courage, and committee of the
writers themselves must be acknowledged; we thank them for sharing their:
They are: Elizabeth Bear, Kate Delaney Earthdancer,
Loralee Elliot, Sharon Ferguson-Hood, Patty Herriot, Morgan McClung, Jeannine
Ouellette, Debbie, Emma, Donna, Marla, Priscilla and Jocelyn at Pinegrove
Correctional Centre, Colleen Race, Mary Rennie, Jessica Slights, Jean
Wasegijig, and one who remains anonymous. Book reviews were contributed by
Peggy Buckley, Janet Kolenick Herbert, and Barb Cottrell. Poetry is by Lynne
Kositsky, Billie Livingston, Dianne Reid, Barbara Wood; artwork is by Phyllis
Ferber and Antoinette Martens.
CCLOW gratefully acknowledges the continuing financial
support of the Women's Program, Secretary of State.
COVER The cover
graphic is a depiction of women's pain, which often goes unacknowledged in our
struggle to be strong. It is by Phyllis Ferber. |
The members of the CCLOW Northern Saskatchewan editorial
collective are Anne Elliott, Wanita Koczka, Pip Van Nispen and Patty Williams.
Several of us work on a daily basis with women who have been victims of
violence; all of us are involved with adult education. We decided to work as a
collective, which we feel is a natural Saskatchewan process. It is also a
process that acknowledges our collective wisdom and experience. We gather
strength from each other, we learn from each other, and we see this as a way
all women learn.
In the interest of the widest distribution of material,
WEdf encourages readers to reproduce material from the magazine for the
purposes of education and learning, with the proviso that we be notified of
such use. For other purposes of reproduction, such as reprinting material in
another publication, we ask that permission be requested from the Editor.
WEdf invites all readers to submit articles, ideas,
poetry, humour, commentary, reviews, resources, and graphics. Please send
submissions to the Editor, WEdf, 47 Main Street, Toronto, Ontario, M4E 2V6, or
fax them at (416) 699-2145. Material that is sexist, racist, classist,
homophonic, able-ist, age-ist or which is oppressive in any other way will not
be accepted for publication. Submitter who wish their material returned should
include a stamped, self-addressed envelope. Writer's guidelines are available.
We gratefully acknowledge the following for their
financial support of this project: Health and Welfare Canada; United
Steelworkers of America (USWA); an anonymous donor,' Nancy's Very Own
Foundation; Canadian Auto Workers: CAW-Canada,. Bell Canada, United Food and
Commercial Workers Canadian Council (UFCW/TUAC Canada), Canadian Union of
Postal Workers,' and Telemedia Inc. |