connection to the world of learning and education, is published quarterly by
the Canadian Congress for Learning Opportunities for Women, a national
organization that promotes feminist education and the empowerment of women.
Editorial Board Dilys Kluthe (Chair)
Jeanna Baty Katharine Dauphinee Christina Starr
Editing and Production Christina Starr
Translation Anne Minguet-Patocka
Word Processing Loralee Elliot
Poetry Editor Margaret Christakos
Printed by Hartley Gibson Ltd.
Subscriptions Individuals $18.19
Organizations $32.10
Graphic Design Luna Desktop Publishing
View and opinions expressed in Women's Education des
femmes are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of
CCLOW, Secretary of State, or other funders.
CCLOW 47 Main Street Toronto, Ontario
M4E 2V6 (416) 699-1909 Fax: (416) 699-2145
ISSN 0714-9786 |
This issue is dedicated to all women and children who
have fought back, with their voices, their eyes, their bodies, and their
thoughts. We all have done so.
strong, positive, empowering look at ways to prevent or stop the violence in
women's lives, our co-Guest Editors, Nadya Burton and Leona Heillig, deserve
much credit and honor for their hard work and tenacious commitment to violence
prevention. The rest of the glory is shared by contributors: Maria Barile,
Monique Dumont, Claudette Dumont-Smith, Monica Durstberger, Education Wife
Assault, Loralee Elliot, Fédération nationale des femmes
canadiennes-francaises, Wendy Fidkalo Weight, Nupur Gogia, Debra Handler,
Wanita Koczka, Joan Krisch and Arlene Wells, Margot Lacroix, Miriam Margles,
Suzanne Mulligan and Dr. Donna Mitchell, Heidi Rathjen, Leslie Russell,
Katherine Spillar, Cherly Storey, Maureen Townsend, and Women Educating in
Self-Defense Training. Poetry is from Diane Driedger, Leslie Smith Dow, Janet
B. Fitzsimmons, and Susan Wismer.
CCLOW acknowledges the continuing financial support of the
Women's Program, Secretary of State.
interest of the widest distribution of material, WEdf encourages readers to
reproduce material from the magazine for the purposes of education and
learning, with the proviso that we be notified of such use. For other purposes
of reproduction, such as reprinting material in another publication, we ask
that permission be requested from the Editor.
Heillig has been a coordinator of the Montreal Assault Prevention Centre
since its founding in 1988 and has been teaching ACTION assault prevention
programming since 1985. Nadya Burton is an assault prevention instructor
at the Montreal Assault Prevention Centre, and worked for many years as a rape
crisis counselor.
all readers to submit articles, ideas, poetry, humor, commentary, reviews,
resources, and graphics. Please send submissions to the Editor, WEdf, 47 Main
Street, Toronto, Ontario, M4E 2V6, or fax them at (416) 699-2145. Material that
is sexist, racist, classist, homophobic, able-ist, age-ist or which is
oppressive in any other way will not be accepted for publication. Submitters
who wish their material returned should include a stamped, self-addressed
envelope. Writer's guidelines are available.
We gratefully acknowledge the following for their financial
support of this project: Health and Welfare Canada; Women's Program, Secretary
of State; United Steelworkers of America (USWA); an anonymous donor; Nancy's
Very Own Foundation; Canadian Auto Workers: CAW-Canada; Bell Canada; United
Food and Commercial Workers Canadian Council (UFCW/ TUAC Canada); and Telemedia
COVER The cover photograph
is by Miriam Margles. |