WOMEN'S EDUCATION DES FEMMES, a feminist connection to the world of learning and education, is published quarterly by the Canadian Congress for Learning Opportunities for Women. CCLOW is a national, nonprofit organization promoting feminist education and the empowerment of women.

Editorial Board
Dilys Kluthe (Chair) Jeanna Baty
Nancy Drost
Laurie Soper
Christina Starr

Editing and Production
Christina Starr


Anne Minguet-Patocka

Word Processing
Emilia Cruz Prado

Poetry Editors
  Nancy Chater (this issue)
  Catherine Lake (current)
 Nathalie Stephen

Printed by
Hartley Gibson Ltd.

Individual $18.19 Organization $32.10
(GST included)

Views and opinions expressed in Women's Education des femmes are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of CCLOW, Secretary of State, or other funders.

47 Main Street Toronto, Ontario
M4E 2V6
Phone (416) 699-1909 Fax (416) 699-2145

ISSN 0714-9786

Canadian Publications Mail Sales Product Agreement No. 216747.


For this critical look at the situation of women's training in Canada we are indebted to a number of insightful authors: Pat Armstrong, Teresa Bassaletti, Marcia Braundy, Shauna Butterwick, Tanis Doe, Hannah Hadikein, Jan Kutcher, Leti La Rosa, Karen Lior, Dorothy MacKeracher, Joan McFarland, Eleanor Ross, Elspeth Tulloch, Helen Wagle, and Ingrid Wellmeier. Reviews are by Irène Bujara and Lisa Schmidt; poetry is by Cécile Guillemot, Tanis MacDonald, and Michelle Tracy.

CCLOW acknowledges the continuing financial support of the Women's Program, Secretary of State.


In the interest of the widest distribution and use of information, WEdf encourages readers to reproduce material from the magazine for the purposes of education and learning. For other purposes of reproduction, such as reprinting material in another publication, permission must be requested from the Editor.


Discovering the strength
of our voices:
Women and literacy programs

This is the report of the first phase of CCLOW's research into women and literacy programs. Researched and compiled by Betty-Ann Lloyd, this exploratory report documents the concerns and questions of women students and staff in four literacy programs in Canada.

To order, send $5/copy (CCLOW members and community-based literacy programs) or$8/copy (non-members and institutions) less 20% for orders of 5 or more to:

image CCLOW
47 Main Street
Toronto, Ont M4E 2V6
(416) 699-1909 phone
(416) 699-2145 fax

Please add 10% handling and 7% GST.

All women readers are invited to submit articles, ideas, poetry, humour, commentary, reviews, resources, photographs, illustrations or graphics. Send submissions to the Editor, WEdf, 47 Main Street, Toronto, Ontario, M4E 2V6, or fax them to 416/699-2145. Material that is sexist, racist, classist, homophobic, able-ist, age-ist or which is oppressive in any other way will not be accepted for publication. Submitters who wish their material returned should include a stamped, self-addressed envelope. Writer's guidelines are available.


For the financial support to produce this special issue of Women's Education des femmes on women's training in Canada, we gratefully acknowledge The Women's Bureau of Labour Canada, The Ontario Women's Directorate, CAW-Canada, Bell Canada, Kodak Canada Inc., Southam Inc., and Telemedia Inc.


Rhonda Sussman is acknowledged for her editorial support in producing this special issue. Rhonda has worked in the field of skills training and adult education for several years. She is currently employed by a skills training program for women in Toronto.



The cover photograph shows a presser's station in a garment factory in downtown Toronto. Taken by Lisa Sakulensky.

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