connection to the world of learning and education, is published by the Canadian
Congress for Learning Opportunities for Women. CCLOW is a national, nonprofit
organization promoting feminist education and the empowerment of women.
Editorial Board Jeanna Baty (Chair) Cathie
Cookson Susan May Christina Starr
Editing and Production Christina Starr
Translation Anne Minguet-Patocka
Word Processing Mary Esch Maime Huggins
Poetry Editors English Catherine Lake
French nathalie stephens
Printed by New Concept Ltd.
Subscriptions Individual $18.19
Organization $32.10 (GST included)
Views and opinions expressed in Women's Education des
femmes are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of
CCLOW, Secretary of State, or other funders.
CCLOW 47 Main Street Toronto, Ontario
M4E 2V6 Phone (416) 699-1909 Fax (416) 699-2145 e-mail
ISSN 0714-9786
Canadian Publications Mail Sales Product Agreement No.
10440. |
range of opinion and analysis on everything from the Catholic church and
educational programs in prisons to national training reform in Australia and
the impact of Beijing, we are grateful to: Lisa Bryn Rundle and Nicole
Ysabet-Scott, Erica Ellson, Lynn Fogwill, Monique Hébert, Joanna
Manning, Shahrzad Mojab, Kaye Schofield, Pamela Simmons and Julia Wilkins.
Poetry comes from N. V. Bennett, Sylvie Bourassa and Monica Grant.
Illustrations are by Simon Kneebone, Antonia Lancaster, Nancy Reid and Theresa
Three Books About the
Power of Woman- Positive Literacy Work
The power of woman-positive literacy work:
Program-based action research $18 or $12* + $2 handling Provides
the background, research process, description of each program, its community
and woman-positive activity
Women in literacy speak: The power of
woman-positive literacy work $15 or $10* + $2 handling Includes
materials written by students and staff, five analytical articles, a policy
paper, a story suitable for curriculum, and a summary of the research process,
collaborative analysis and recommendations.
Listen to women in literacy: The power of
woman-positive literacy work $8 or $5* + $1.50 handling Written and
designed for use by intermediate and advanced students in adult literacy and
basic education programs.
All three
books: $38 or $25* + $5 handling
CCLOW, 47 Main Street, Toronto,
Ontario M4E 2V6
*CCLOW members, adult literacy
students and programs, community-based organizations. Add 7% GST to the total.
Isolating the Barriers and Strategies for
Prevention: A kit about violence and women's education for adult educators
and adult learners
Order from CCLOW $8.00 + $2.00 (ea.) handling
+ GST discount for bulk orders |
CCLOW acknowledges the continuing financial support of the
Women's Program, Secretary of State.
SUBMISSIONS All women are
invited to submit articles, ideas, poetry, humor, commentary, reviews,
resources, photographs, illustrations or graphics. Send submissions to the
Editor, WEdf, 47 Main Street, Toronto, Ontario, M4E 2V6, or fax them to
416/699-2145. Material that is sexist, racist, classist, homophobic, able-ist,
age-ist or which is oppressive in any other way will not be accepted for
publication. Writer's guidelines are available.
interest of the widest distribution and use of information, WEdf encourages
readers to reproduce material from the magazine for the purposes of education
and learning. For other purposes of reproduction, such as reprinting material
in another publication, permission must be requested from the Editor.
COVER The cover photo
courtesy of the photo files at The Varsity, University of Toronto's student
newspaper.  |