Feminist Connection to the world of learning and education, is published by the
Canadian Congress for Learning Opportunities for Women. CCLOW is a national,
nonprofit organization promoting feminist education and the empowerment of
Editorial Board Cathie Cookson
(Chair) Betty Donaldson Gail Gosse Christina Starr Jo-Anne
Editing and Production Christina
Translation Anne Minguet
Word Processing Maime
Poetry Editors English
Catherine Lake French Nathalie Stephens
Printed by New Concept
Subscriptions Individual $18.19
Organization $32.10 (GST included)
Views and opinions expressed in Women's
Education des femmes are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect
the views of CCLOW or our fenders.
CCLOW 47 Main Street Toronto,
Ontario M4E 2V6 Phone (416) 699-1909 or 1-800-858-7558 Fax (416)
699-2145 cclow@web.net ISSN 0714-9786
Women's Education des femmes is gaining and maintaining a
strong reputation as an intelligent, provocative and
valuable resource, on issues related to women's education and learning (check
out the Letters page in this issue). For the abundance of our content, and the
insightfulness and originality of our articles, we continue to be grateful to
the women who provide their work voluntarily so we can continue to publish. In
this issue, those women are: Nancy Bennett, Betty Donaldson, Louise Humbert,
Susan May, Lisa Mesbur, and Kate Nonesuch.
Poetry comes from Leslie Dolin, Magie Dominic, Chantelle
Oliver, Deborah Patterson, and Miranda Pearson. The illustration on page 35 is
by Nancy Reid CCLOW acknowledges the continuing financial support of the
Women's Program, Status of Women Canada.
All women are invited to submit articles, ideas, poetry, humor,
commentary, reviews, resources, photographs, illustrations or graphics. Send
submissions to the Editor, WEdf, 47 Main Street, Toronto, Ontario, M4E
2V6, or fax them to 416/699-2145. Material that is sexist, racist, classiest,
homophobic, able-its, age-ist or which is oppressive in any other way will not
be accepted for publication. Writer's guidelines are available.
In the interest of the widest distribution and use of
information, WEdf encourages readers to reproduce material from the
magazine for the purposes of education and learning. For other purposes of
reproduction, such as reprinting material in another publication, permission
must be requested from the Editor.

The cover photo is of Nancy Bennett's two daughters,
Amanda and Natasha |
Isolating the Barriers and Strategies for
prevention: A kit about violence and women's education for adult educators
adult learners
Order from CCLOW $8.00+ $2.00 (ea.)
handling + GST discount for bulk orders |