(GST included)

Mernbership in CCLOW is open to individuals,
organizations or agencies.

Membership FEES

Low income/student un/underernployed/retired $10.70
individual $30.70*
Sustaining Mernber $250.70**
Organization with an annual budget up to $100,000 $48.15
Organization with an annual budget $100,000 to $500,000 $80.25
Organization with an annual budget over $500,000 $133.75

Associate Mernber (receives
Women's Education des femmes only

individual $18.19
Organization $32.10

*A $20.00 income tax receipt is issued
**A $240.00 income tax receipt is issued.
Additional donations are receipted for income tax purposes.

Enclosed, payable to CCLOW, is my cheque for:

Membership $_____
Additional Donation $_____
TOTAL $_____

Please return form and payment to CCLOW,
47 Main Street, Toronto, ON, M4E 2V6

Name_______________________________________ Address_____________________________________ ____________________________________________
Postal Code
__________________________________ Telephone_____________________(home) _____________________________ (business)
Areas of interest
______________________________ ____________________________________________

I do NOT give CCLOW permission to trade or sell rny name and address to other like-minded social action groups for the purpose of fund-raising or as a means of networking.

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