This part of the module is designed to accompany IAU-ENG 1.1, Using the Dictionary. If you have not worked on BAU-ENG, it would be a good idea to review the first sections of this booklet to be sure that you haven’t missed any concepts.

confused chicken

The next part of this module is based on Merriam Webster’s Collegiate Dictionary (Tenth Edition). If you do not have a copy of this dictionary, use any large well- known dictionary. Every dictionary presents basically the same information, but presents it a little differently. If you are not using the dictionary above, consult the introductory section of your dictionary for information on its symbols, abbreviations and other special features.


goofy man with hands in his pockets

At the top of each page of the dictionary, you will find two GUIDE WORDS printed in large dark large type. Using alphabetically order, you will find all the words that naturally fit between these two guide words on this page. For example, the page with the guide words, “jackhammer” and “jailbait” also lists these words: jackknife, jack salmon, Jacobin, Jaccuzi, jag, jaguar, and jail.


The words you look up on a page called ENTRY WORDS. Look up the word CARPENTER (on page 174 using the guide words “carload rate” and “carpet”). It is written in bold type and found toward the bottom of the right hand column. In fact, “carpenter” is entered twice. There is a small “1" beside the first entry and a small “2" beside the second entry. This shows that they are two different words.

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