3. SYLLABICATIONLook at 1carpenter. First, you notice that the word is split into 3 syllables, (or sound units), CAR.PEN.TER. The dots (·) placed in the middle of the word breaks the words into syllables. Although this may be less useful today when word processors are able to neatly space words on a line, it is still an important tool when writing by hand or when learning spelling. Notice how the word is split at the end of the first syllable so that the rest of it can be printed on the next the line.
4. PHONETIC SYMBOLSThe funny symbols and back slashes (\) that follow the entry word are often mistaken for a foreign alphabet and most people rarely use them. These symbols are phonetic symbols. They show you how to pronounce words correctly, even if you have never heard or seen the word before. Every dictionary has a page (usually at the beginning or end of the book) entitled Pronunciation Symbols or Pronunciation Key. Look it up in the index. In the Merriam Websters Collegiate Dictionary(Tenth Edition) , it is on page 38a. For easier reference, a summary of the phonetic symbols at the bottom of each right hand page. Most consonants(19) are pronounced only one way, but there are a few exceptions. Here are three common exceptions.
19.all the letters in the alphabet "a", "e", "i", "o" and "u" |
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