At the end of the book, you will find several useful sections. Some books contain a glossary, which is a mini-dictionary explaining unfamiliar or difficult words the author has used. A book can also contain one or more appendices(16) which list explanations, statistics, diagrams, etc. helpful in understanding the information in the book. The author may also include an index which lists specific topics, names, places, etc. along with the page or pages on which they appear. The last section in a book is often the bibliography or Works Cited page. A bibliography is a list of book titles, authors, and publishing information readers may need if they want to consult a book the author has quoted or referred to. Not all books contain all these sections.

Start by using dictionaries, library catalogues and other community resources to locate other information. Then go to the library and look for materials in the card catalogue, on microfiche, or on the computer. As you look at the catalogue, be sure to pay attention to the year of publication. This is important because it tells whether the book contains current information and statistics. For some topics, like famous people or historical events, the year of publication may not be so important. However, when you are looking for information on a drug like Ritalin or on the population of a city, it is essential that you use the most up-to-date information. Catalogues will also tell you whether a book contains pictures and how many pages the book contains.

When you have decided that a book probably contains the kind of information you need, find it on the shelves. Check the Table of Contents and/or Index of each book to narrow your search. You do not need to read every book from cover to cover. Simply read the sections that apply to your topic. Locate the sections that look like they may have something relating to your research, then skim or scan them until you identify the sections which will be most useful. Then read those sections best suited to your needs carefully, and make notes on the information you think that you might be able to use. The librarian may also be able to help you by pointing out books and other resources that you might have missed.

When you are researching, don’t overlook other parts of library such as periodical indexes, encyclopedias, or vertical files. In addition, remember to explore your community for local experts and unofficial libraries. Information you get from people with first hand knowledge is called a primary source. Information from books and other sources which provide second hand information are called secondary sources.

16 The singular form of appendices is appendix.

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