The address book allows you to keep all the addresses of those people you email regularly. This may be done by hand or added automatically by the program, as new addresses are received. To help ensure you have less ‘incorrect address’ returned emails you may select these options in your preferences:
You can go directly to the address book and select a name to send an email message. You can set up groups of people to send email to at once. These are called lists.
Depending on your email client, the following changes may be made by going to Mail Options or the Tools Menu.
This function allows you to type something that will go out on every email you send, if you choose. You might even want to add a catchy saying. Select the font style and text size as well. Some email clients allow you to use Microsoft Word where you will have many more font and text options.
By using the built-in-tools of your email client, you will have control of what you receive in your email inbox and how it will be handled. To control the level of spam or unwanted mass email you receive, you may have it automatically deleted, or sent to a special folder. You can block messages from some addresses and see that mail from certain individuals or groups will go to a specific folder. Your email client will give you several options to choose. Under no circumstances should you reply. Be smart and use the delete button. You can also ensure email with attachments do not open, due to the risk of their containing a virus.
It is important to remember that there is a code of conduct to follow when you are using any kind of communication on the Internet. This is called ‘Netiquette’. Some simple ones to remember when using email are:
For a more extensive list of Netiquette rules go to: