Essential Skills

Show Me!
  1. Where do you use the Essential Skills? In the third row of your chart, under each Essential Skill write down where you use it. Use a coloured marker provided. Here are some ideas to choose from.
    With Friends
    With Family
    At Work
    At Your Place of Worship
  2. Using a different coloured marker, in Row 4 write down activities you can do to improve upon your Essential Skills. Here are some ideas to choose from. You can cut these out and paste them on as well as coming up with at least 3 of your own ideas!
Essential Skill #1 #2 #3 #4
Reading Text Read magazines Read novels Read newspapers Read on the Internet
Writing Write letters to relatives Write lists of things to do Keep a diary Email friends and family
Document Use Fill out job applications Follow and complete installation instructions for Xbox live Use map and provide directions on next trip Help parents with repairs and household stuff!
(Use instructions to help
assemble IKEA furniture!)

Numeracy Brainteaser Games
– Internet
Play Card Games Volunteer
(handling cash)
Personal Budget
Computer Use Type all your
assignments and
Send email letters Create a personal webpage Help parents
(e.g. look up recipes
on internet)