Table of Contents

  1. Acknowledgements
  2. Introduction
  3. Accommodations For Students

  4. Introductory Activities PDF (575 KB)

    1. Web-Quest Activities PDF (598 KB)
    2. Essential Skills Vocabulary Activities PDF (1.2 MB)

  5. Beginner Activities PDF (526 KB)

    1. Guest Speakers Assignment
    2. Student Applications of Working and Learning (AWAL) PDF (563 KB)
    3. A Day in the Life of a ParentPDF (546 KB)
    4. Tally Sheets AssignmentPDF (520 KB)
    5. Essential Skills Coat of ArmsPDF (534 KB)
    6. Oil and Gas Drilling Workers – What Do They Do?PDF (534 KB)
    7. Personal Diaries from WWI: Storyboard AssignmentPDF (529 KB)
    8. Cell Model AssignmentPDF (519 KB)
    9. Prove That Stat!PDF (524 KB)

  6. Intermediate Activities PDF (560 KB)

    1. “Interview With An Entrepreneur”
    2. Behaviour-Based InterviewsPDF (545 KB)
    3. Reflective Journals Daily AssignmentPDF (526 KB)
    4. I am an Essential Skill and my Name is...PDF (519 KB)
    5. Advertising Our School PlayPDF (561 KB)
    6. Daycare Woodworking AssignmentPDF (552 KB)
    7. Parking Lot Surveys and GraphingPDF (519 KB)
    8. Terminology PortfolioPDF (519 KB)
    9. Trigonometry AssignmentPDF (565 KB)
    10. Making a Model of a Closed EcosystemPDF (628 KB)
    11. Paper Airplane Lab AssignmentPDF (611 KB)
    12. Workplace NumeracyPDF (512 KB)
    13. Store Inventory ActivityPDF (585 KB)
    14. Describe That Task!PDF (565 K )
    15. Graphing EssentialsPDF (889 KB)
    16. Making Ice Cream in a BagPDF (561 KB)
    17. Rates of Chemical ReactionsPDF (561 KB)
    18. Multiplying FractionsPDF (692 KB)