Table of Contents
- Acknowledgements
- Introduction
- Accommodations For Students
Introductory Activities PDF (575 KB)
- Web-Quest Activities PDF (598 KB)
- Essential Skills Vocabulary Activities PDF (1.2 MB)
Beginner Activities PDF (526 KB)
- Guest Speakers Assignment
- Student Applications of Working and Learning (AWAL) PDF (563 KB)
- A Day in the Life of a ParentPDF (546 KB)
- Tally Sheets AssignmentPDF (520 KB)
- Essential Skills Coat of ArmsPDF (534 KB)
- Oil and Gas Drilling Workers – What Do They Do?PDF (534 KB)
- Personal Diaries from WWI: Storyboard AssignmentPDF (529 KB)
- Cell Model AssignmentPDF (519 KB)
- Prove That Stat!PDF (524 KB)
Intermediate Activities PDF (560 KB)
- “Interview With An Entrepreneur”
- Behaviour-Based InterviewsPDF (545 KB)
- Reflective Journals Daily AssignmentPDF (526 KB)
- I am an Essential Skill and my Name is...PDF (519 KB)
- Advertising Our School PlayPDF (561 KB)
- Daycare Woodworking AssignmentPDF (552 KB)
- Parking Lot Surveys and GraphingPDF (519 KB)
- Terminology PortfolioPDF (519 KB)
- Trigonometry AssignmentPDF (565 KB)
- Making a Model of a Closed EcosystemPDF (628 KB)
- Paper Airplane Lab AssignmentPDF (611 KB)
- Workplace NumeracyPDF (512 KB)
- Store Inventory ActivityPDF (585 KB)
- Describe That Task!PDF (565 K )
- Graphing EssentialsPDF (889 KB)
- Making Ice Cream in a BagPDF (561 KB)
- Rates of Chemical ReactionsPDF (561 KB)
- Multiplying FractionsPDF (692 KB)