
Guest Speakers Assignment


Activities Summary

In this activity, students will:

  • Arrange for a guest speaker to come
    to the classroom
  • Prepare a student worksheet for classmates to record details about the speaker’s presentation
  • Introduce and thank the guest speaker
  • Provide a small gift for the guest speaker
  • Create a thank you letter to be sent to the guest speaker

Prior Knowledge

  • Essential Skills
  • Thank You Letters

Teaching Planning Notes

  • Review assignment including prior knowledge required and evaluation sheet
  • Provide students with a list of possible guest speakers from the community
  • Provide students with a responsibilities sheet
  • Provide students with a list of materials guest speaker might need
  • Extension activity could be a master list display in the classroom of all
    presentation findings
  • Provide guest speaker with a list of Essential Skills prior to their classroom visit in an effort to have them focus in their presentation on the Essential Skills they demonstrate in their occupation

Assessment and Evaluation of Student Achievement

Task Tool / Type
Responsibilities Sheet Formative
Guest Speaker Presentation Evaluation Sheet


  • Guest Speaker Assignment Sheet
  • Responsibilities Checklist
  • Guest Speaker Presentation Evaluation Sheet

Essential Skills:

Oral Communication
Contact potential guest
Introduction and Thank you
Thinking Skills
Student Worksheet
Student Worksheet
Working with Others
Small Group Assignment
Computer Use
Student Worksheet
Document Use