Guest Speakers
Having guest speakers come to the classroom is always a pleasant change from our regular routine, and it is an opportunity for all of us (INCLUDING ME, YOUR TEACHER) to learn about what goes on outside of school in what is sometimes called, the “World of Work”. In small groups (3-4 students), find a guest speaker to come to our class. We are interested in what they do in their jobs – what is a typical day like – challenges, likes, dislikes, etc. As we hear their story, we should be able to tell which Essential Skills are really important for their job and which ones play either a minor or a non-existent role.
In your small group, brainstorm all possible ideas for a guest speaker (relatives, friends, neighbours). Family and friends who are retired or who are self-employed make good guest speakers because they are more flexible for time and can come in during the daytime.
Go and ask all these people from your list and see which ones are real potentials. Go back to your group and narrow it down to two (one for backup). Obtain a commitment from your number one choice and then get a date and time that is suitable for the guest speaker. We have the entire course to conduct these interviews so we can work around their schedules.
What you have done so far is the hard part. Now it is just a little planning and division of responsibilities (see Responsibilities Checklist). Be sure to think about and record the Essential Skills you are demonstrating as you perform the tasks you have agreed to be responsible for.
You need to prepare a Student Worksheet for students to use to record information based on the story told by the guest speaker. It could be in the form of a chart or mind-map. We don’t know what they are going to talk about but we do know that the tasks they perform are related to Essential Skills and there are nine Essential Skills. This worksheet will be handed in to me as evidence of your active listening skills.
Some of your guests might bring in a PowerPoint presentation, video or overhead. If they require any audiovisual equipment, let me know well in advance.
Be sure to write a thank you card to your guest. The gift should be under $5. Pick something that you think the guest speaker might like (i.e. golf ball, small picture frame, flowers, candle, etc.). Dollar stores have great ideas for this token of appreciation.