Technology |
Daycare Woodworking
Assignment |
Activities Summary
In this activity, students will: |
- Go on a field trip and complete an activity
sheet based on what they observed about the
use of wood in a daycare
- Complete a woodworking project for a daycare
- Present woodworking project to daycare staff
and children
- Complete project journals
Prior Knowledge
- Essential Skills
- Knowledge of safety
- Able to complete a cutting list
- Thorough knowledge of dressing and dimensions of lumber to size
- Able to problem solve and work in a group
- Understand the safe operation of woodworking tools and equipment
Teaching Planning Notes
- Review assignment including prior knowledge required and rubric
- Secure appropriate resources for woodworking project
- Provide students with appropriate checklists and instructions for
project completion depending on the project that is chosen based
on community needs
- Contact a variety of community groups for field trip and possible
woodworking project needs
- Provide an exemplar
Assessment and Evaluation of Student Achievement
Task |
Tool / Type |
Field Trip Activity Sheet |
Evaluation Sheet |
Woodworking Project |
Rubric |
Project Journals |
Project Journals Evaluation |
Activities and Evaluation Materials
- Field Trip Activity Sheet
- Field Trip Evaluation Sheet
- Woodworking Project Assignment Sheet
- Woodworking Project Rubric
- Woodworking Project Journals
- Project Journals Evaluation
Essential Skills:
Field Trip Activity Sheet
Woodworking Project
Project Journals
Thinking Skills
Field Trip Activity Sheet
Woodworking Project
Project Journals
Reading text
Woodworking Project
Oral Communication
Woodworking Project
Woodworking Project
Document Use
Field Trip Activity Sheet