
I am an Essential Skill and my Name is…


Activities Summary

In this activity, students will:

  • Create a poem using any of a variety of poetic forms
  • Create a display version of the poem
  • Present the poem to the class
intermediate skills: school

Prior Knowledge

  • Essential Skills
  • Poetic forms
  • Poetic templates

Teaching Planning Notes

  • Review assignment including prior knowledge required and rubrics
  • Provide students with a variety of examples of songs, jingles, slogans, poems from newspapers, magazines, videos, CDs, tapes, etc.
  • Provide students with a checklist and review steps associated with each stage
  • Provide students with paper, markers and magazines to create posters
  • Provide an exemplar of a poem
  • Present an exemplar of a poster

Assessment and Evaluation of Student Achievement

Task Tool / Type
Poem Rubric
Poster Rubric
Presentation Rubric


  • Poem Assignment Sheet
  • Poem Rubric
  • Presentation Checklist
  • Poem Display Rubric and Presentation Rubric

Essential Skills:

Creating Poem
Poem Display
Oral Communication
Presentation of
Poem to Class
Thinking Skills
Creating Poem
Poem Display
Computer Use
Formatting Poem
Document Use