
Describe That Task!


Activities Summary

In this activity, students will:

  • Identify a daily task/activityperformed by a worker employed in the field of either Health and Personal Services or Construction Technology
  • Brainstorm a list of steps required to complete the task chosen
  • Compose a “How To” set of instructions for the task
  • Create a brochure
Intermediate skills:school, parent

Prior Knowledge

  • Essential Skills
  • Basic knowledge of Health and Personal Services and/or Construction Technology
  • Brochure Wizard (if chosen as method to display written piece)

Teaching Planning Notes

  • Review assignment including prior knowledge required and assessment and evaluation tools
  • Arrange students into groups based on career interest and monitor and
    assist discussions
  • Provide chart paper and markers for discussion notes
  • Provide students with examples of proper/improper sentences and demonstrate editing techniques
  • Arrange for students to work in computer lab
  • Provide old magazines, markers, etc. for students to decorate their brochures

Assessment and Evaluation of Student Achievement

Task Tool / Type
Brainstorming How Do They Do That? Observation of Discussions (Formative)
Editing and Sentence Structure How Do They Do That? Teacher
Demonstration and Examples (Formative)
Brochure How Do They Do That? Brochure Rubric (Summative)
Crossword How Do They Do That? Crossword Puzzle (Formative)

Activities and Evaluation Materials

  • How Do They Do That? Assignment Sheet
  • Brochure Rubric
  • Crossword (Student Copy)
  • Crossword (Answer Key)

Essential Skills:

Reading Text
Creating Brochure
Oral Communication
Thinking Skills
Creating Brochure
Working with Others
Computer Use
Producing Brochure