Prior Knowledge
- Essential Skills
- Concepts of Audience and Theme
- Theory of Print Advertising and bservational Research
- Reflective Journal Writing
- Peer Evaluation
Teaching Planning Notes
- Consult principal and colleagues re assignment and
involvement of drama and art departments
- Arrange for drama class representatives as guest speakers for initial
introduction to play concept (key contacts)
- Arrange for art class to be a partner in developing original artwork
(key contacts)
- Arrange for computer lab time
- Review assignment including prior knowledge required and
evaluation criteria
- Provide students with materials required for all jobs
- Develop a timeline with due dates for each group
Assessment and Evaluation of Student Achievement
Task |
Tool / Type |
Job Application Essay |
Rubric |
Rough Outline |
Formative |
Worksheets |
Evaluation Sheet |
Reflective Journal |
Evaluation Sheet |
Peer Evaluation |
Peer Evaluation Sheet |
Activities and Evaluation Materials
- Job Application 5-Paragraph Essay Assignment Sheet
- Job Application 5-Paragraph Essay Rubric
- Rough Outline Worksheet
- Job Worksheet
- Reflective Journal Assignment
- Evaluations: Job Worksheet and Reflective Journal
- Peer Evaluation Sheet
Essential Skills:
Job Application Essay
Reflective Journal
Peer Evaluation
Thinking Skills
Job Application Essay
Observational Research
Oral Communication
Consultation with art and
drama departments
Working With Others
Peer Evaluation
Computer Use
Document Use
Rough Outline