
Workplace Numeracy


Activities Summary

In this activity, students will:

  • Interview two people to collect information about the application of Numeracy as an Essential Skill in the workplace.
  • Collect, if possible, authentic workplace resources that show the use of these skills.
  • Work in groups of 2 or 3, to create five problems, using ratio, rate, proportion and percent based on the information collected.
  • Provide solutions to the problems created.
Intermediate skills: school, employer, parent, community

Prior Knowledge

  • Working knowledge of ratio, rate, proportion and percent
  • Essential Skills including a detailed description of numeracy

Teaching Planning Notes

  • Review assignment including prior knowledge required and assessment and evaluation tools
  • Instruct students that a community member can be anyone they have contact with in the community, such as a pastor, postman, scout leader, etc. and that an employer is someone who hires people to work for them such as a store manager, business owner, etc.
  • Assign the interview task well in advance of the time you will need the data for the proportional reasoning unit to ensure that students have collected the data.
  • Book time in the computer lab for students to use word processing software (for problem questions not solutions) (optional)
  • Provide students an opportunity to present one of their problems and its solution to the class or create a poster to display a problem and solution. (optional)
  • Alternative #1: Teachers may take the data collected by the class and collate it for the students prior to students creating their questions.
  • Alternative #2: Have students work with one of the people they interviewed to create a problem based on an authentic workplace scenario and provide its solution.

Note 1: The authentic workplace resources (if collected) may also be incorporated into future
learning opportunities.

Assessment and Evaluation of Student Achievement

Task Tool / Type
Interview It’s Everywhere “Tell Me About It” -
Interview Sheet (Formative)
Create and solve problems It’s Everywhere Creating Problems and Solutions Checklist and Rubric (Formative and Summative)


  • It’s Everywhere Assignment Sheet
  • Tell Me About It - Interview Sheet (2 per student)
  • Creating Problems and Solutions: Checklist and Rubric

Essential Skills:

Document Use
Conducting Interview
Conducting Interview
Creating Problems and
Creating Problems and
Oral Communication
Conducting Interview
Creating Problems and
Collecting Authentic
Workplace Documents
Thinking Skills
Creating Problems and
Working with Others
Creating Problems and