Student AWAL
Your visual report should be thorough and insightful and should represent the findings of both of your interviews. You are not limited in how you present the information so use your creativity. See the notes under Layout and Design below as a guide.
LEVEL 2 (60-69%) |
LEVEL 3 (70-79%) |
LEVEL 4 (80-100%) |
Purpose The purpose of the poster is clearly accomplished
Limited | Somewhat | Considerable | Advanced |
Mechanics There are no errors in capitalization, punctuation or spelling
Many | Several | Some | None |
Layout and Design The overall organization, neatness, design, use of colour, use of space and typeface help makes the poster interesting and communicates the message effectively
Limited Effectiveness |
Some Effectiveness |
Considerable Effectiveness |
Advanced Effectiveness |
Creativity The poster is highly original and creative
Limited | Somewhat | Considerable | Advanced |
Note: A student whose achievement is below Level 1 (50%) has not met the expectations for this assignment or activity. This rubric is based on fundamentals on