Tally Sheets


You Are What You Eat


Tally sheets are used in many occupations. Tally sheets are a primary record of information about many things depending on the industry. Let’s take a look at a sample.


The Sample: Forestry

This example is used in the logging industry. It is used by loggers to keep a record of trees that are planted and those that are cut (culled). It is an effective tool for forestry management.

It is important that the information is accurate and reflects all significant criteria including:

Individual Assignment: Food Management


Create a tally sheet that will accurately reflect both the amount of food that is brought to school in our class for snacks and lunch and what actually gets eaten in a single day.


Class Assignment: Record Your Thoughts

Once you have completed this assignment, record on our class chart which of the Essential Skills you used in completing this assignment. Record as many as you think you used, and be sure that you can support your answer if called upon to explain using an example from your individual assignment.