Interview With
an Entrepreneur
LEVEL 2 (60-69%) |
LEVEL 3 (70-79%) |
LEVEL 4 (80-100%) |
Content of interview all questions covered | demonstrates knowledge of facts with limited clarity and accuracy |
demonstrates knowledge of facts with some clarity and accuracy |
demonstrates knowledge of facts with considerable clarity and accuracy |
demonstrates knowledge of facts with a high degree of clarity and accuracy |
Analysis of interview content to draw conclusions on Entrepreneurial Characteristics and Essential Skills | uses little analysis to draw limited conclusions | uses some analysis to draw some conclusions | uses effective analysis to draw many conclusions | uses thorough analysis to draw most or all conclusions |
Conclusion |
communicates with a little sense of audience and purpose
communicates evidence with limited organization and clarity summarizes main points to a limited extent |
communicates with some sense of audience and purpose
communicates evidence with some organization and clarity summarizes main points to some extent |
communicates with a clear sense of audience and purpose
communicates evidence with effective organization and clarity summarizes main points to a considerable extent |
communicates with a strong sense of audience and purpose
communicates evidence with highly effective organization and clarity summarizes and extends main points in a highly effective way |
Language |
communicates with the limited use of appropriate language |
communicates with some use of appropriate language | communicates with considerable use of appropriate language | communicates with highly appropriate language |