Interview With
an Entrepreneur


Does This Shoe Fit?

Reflective Journal

How Entrepreneurial Am I?

Wow and congratulations! You have almost completed this assignment. There is one small but important piece left – The “So What” piece. This “So What” piece asks you to reflect on this assignment and make connections between what you’ve learned and your own life. There are several questions to ponder on and consider when writing your journal. Respond to the following questions based on your answer to the first question.

  1. Now that I have interviewed an entrepreneur and have a pretty good idea of what it is like, am I entrepreneurial? How do I know if I am or if I am not?
    1. If you believe you ARE entrepreneurial, answer the following questions:
      • Have I demonstrated entrepreneurial skills and characteristics in the past?
      • What are they?
      • Do others consider me entrepreneurial in some of the things that I have done and continue to do?


    2. If you believe you ARE NOT entrepreneurial, answer the following questions:
      • Why is it NOT NECESSARY to be entrepreneurial to be successful in life?
      • Give an example of someone you know that is NOT an entrepreneur but is successful in life.
      • What makes them successful? Give examples of situations.
  2. What parts of this assignment were easy for me? What Essential Skills were involved?
  3. What parts of this assignment were hard for me? What Essential Skills were involved?
  4. What parts of this assignment did I enjoy? Why?
  5. What parts of this assignment did I not enjoy? Why?
  6. What suggestions would I make to improve this assignment?

Format: You can write this journal in either 1st person or 3rd person (which can be quite interesting). Try to be creative in your writing as opposed to just answering the questions as they appear above.