Prior to developing your questions and answers in the template, you should have completed the following from previous classes:
To make yourself a memorable candidate you must master the art of storytelling.
The most effective method of preparing for a behaviour-based interview is to use the SAB technique (situation, action, benefit).
“Mary, take a minute and recall a specific situation in your past when you were asked to analyze and use creative problem solving techniques.”
Situation: “We wanted to improve our level of customer service and we needed to identify
the root cause of each failure in delivering customer service and determine what corrective
measures were possible.”
Action: “I proposed two approaches: one was to create a database of all complaints and two,
was to send out letters of apology to all those complainants.”
Benefit: “Within a few short weeks we saw improved levels of customer service
because of our database reporting and months later we determined that our sales had
improved because of our increased level of customer service.”