LEVEL 2 (60-69%) |
LEVEL 3 (70-79%) |
LEVEL 4 (80-100%) |
Topic and Theme | Poem showed an understanding of the topic | The topic is elaborated into a clearly recognized theme | The ideas in the poem are clear, well developed and interesting | The poem expresses a unique and provocative view of the theme |
Coherence | Consistent tone, viewpoint and thematic focus | Style and tone are consciously used to support the poem's intended thematic purpose | Ideas are supported by the writers voice and by the style to provide a unified piece | Poem expresses a harmonious whole; voice and style compliment and enhance the theme |
Poetic Devices |
Use of some poetic devices | use of devices such as metre, rhyme and imagery, consistent throughout | Poetic devices are used skillfully to create effective poems | use of poetic devices such as rhythm, balance and rhyme to produce original and delightful work |
Writing Conventions Typography | Some accuracy in the use of required conventions clear format of poem | Accurate use of the required conventions conscious use of font and other effects | Accurate and effective use of the important conventions and typography | Skillful use of writing conventions, typography, shape or color |
Note: A student whose achievement is below Level 1 (50%) has not met the expectations for this assignment or activity. This rubric is based on fundamentals on www.curriculum.org