Daycare Woodworking


Gifts of Wood


Knowledge of facts, technical terminology, procedures and standards
Technical Knowledge)
Demonstrates limited knowledge of facts, technical terminology, procedures, and standards while working in a construction facility Demonstrates some knowledge of facts, technical terminology, procedures, and standards while working in a construction facility Demonstrates considerable knowledge of facts, technical terminology, procedures, and standards while working in a construction facility Demonstrates thorough knowledge of facts, technical terminology, procedures, and standards while working in a construction facility
Applies problem-solving methods
Thinking Skills)
uses thinking skills with limited effectiveness uses thinking skills with some effectiveness uses thinking skills with considerable effectiveness uses thinking skills with thorough effectiveness

Communicates Information
Oral Communication)

communicates information with peers and instructors with limited clarity communicates information with peers and instructors with some clarity communicates information with peers and instructors with considerable clarity communicates information with peers and instructors with a high degree of clarity
Safe use of procedures, equipment, and technology
Working with Others)
uses procedures, equipment, and technology safely and correctly only with supervision uses procedures, equipment, and technology safely and correctly with some supervision uses procedures, equipment, and technology safely and correctly demonstrates and promotes the safe and correct use of procedures, equipment and technology

Note: A student whose achievement is below Level 1 (50%) has not met the expectations for this assignment or activity. This rubric is based on fundamentals on