Daycare Woodworking
LEVEL 2 (60-69%) |
LEVEL 3 (70-79%) |
LEVEL 4 (80-100%) |
Knowledge of facts, technical terminology, procedures and standards (Technical Knowledge) |
Demonstrates limited knowledge of facts, technical terminology, procedures, and standards while working in a construction facility | Demonstrates some knowledge of facts, technical terminology, procedures, and standards while working in a construction facility | Demonstrates considerable knowledge of facts, technical terminology, procedures, and standards while working in a construction facility | Demonstrates thorough knowledge of facts, technical terminology, procedures, and standards while working in a construction facility |
Applies problem-solving methods (Thinking Skills) |
uses thinking skills with limited effectiveness | uses thinking skills with some effectiveness | uses thinking skills with considerable effectiveness | uses thinking skills with thorough effectiveness |
Communicates Information |
communicates information with peers and instructors with limited clarity | communicates information with peers and instructors with some clarity | communicates information with peers and instructors with considerable clarity | communicates information with peers and instructors with a high degree of clarity |
Safe use of procedures, equipment, and technology (Working with Others) |
uses procedures, equipment, and technology safely and correctly only with supervision | uses procedures, equipment, and technology safely and correctly with some supervision | uses procedures, equipment, and technology safely and correctly | demonstrates and promotes the safe and correct use of procedures, equipment and technology |
Note: A student whose achievement is below Level 1 (50%) has not met the expectations for this assignment or activity. This rubric is based on fundamentals on