Parking Lot Surveys and Graphing


Check Out Those Wheels!


Use this as your guide and submit with your assignment.

Completeness Did I complete all areas? /5
Correctness Did I tally correctly?
Do my totals reflect my tallying?
TOTAL   /15
Graph 1: Bar Graph Is it accurate based on totals?
Is it well organized?
Is it clearly labelled?
Graph 2: Pie Chart Is it accurate based on totals?
Is it well organized?
Is it clearly labelled?
Graph 3: Bar or Pie Chart Is it accurate based on totals?
Is it well organized?
Is it clearly labelled?
TOTAL   /27
Essential Skills POSTING    
Essential Skill Identified Did I identify an Essential Skill related to this assignment? /1
Associated Tasks Written or Pictorial Did I create a colourful written component or pictures to show this skill and tasks related to it? /7
TOTAL   /8