Dissecting Essential Skills
Mind-Map Assignment
Once your portfolio is complete, review its contents and select one Essential Skill to use as the
basis for your mind-map. Based on that one Essential Skill, create a mind-map that shows all
the tasks you identified that are related to that Essential Skill. In addition, link these tasks to
specific activities that we completed in class throughout the year. Use of pictures and colour
coding is strongly suggested.
Steps to Successfully Completing Your Mind-Map
- Review your portfolio for Essential Skills, tasks and source of information
- Choose one Essential Skill for your mind-map
- Find and highlight all tasks associated with that skill in your portfolio
- Find and highlight all sources of information
- Group your findings either by task or source of information
- Begin a rough draft of your mind-map based on steps 1 - 5
- Have a peer review your mind-map and provide suggestions for improvement
- Begin your final mind-map in pencil
- Review for minor changes (see mind-map rubric)
- Complete mind-map using markers and other tools. (magazine pictures, computer
generated pictures, etc.)
Sample Rough Draft