

Dissecting Essential Skills

Mind-Map Rubric

Central Image Not clear, difficult to separate from other information present, not eye catching, unrelated to topic Clear, use of image that relates to object Stands out; meaningfully connects topic through imagery or humor

Ideas radiate from central image
(most to least)
Little indication that ideas radiated from central image; difficult to determine, are not identifiable Ideas radiated correctly from central image; some confusion as ideas move from most to least Ideas are clearly connected to central image; most ideas move from most to least Ideas are clearly connected to central image; consistent movement from most to least

Ideas as key images or words

little or no evidence Evidence exists however not complete and sometimes imprecise Evidence exists and shows clear understanding of content; not memorable Highly effective use of images and key words. CLearly connected to central image. Use of metaphor, humor, clip art, etc
Colour or codes to link ideas Little or no use of colour or codes Some use of colour or codes; a bit confusing Complete use of colour and/or codes. Assists with memory Highly effective use of colour and codes with enhanced clarity for all parts of Mind-Map
Depth of coverage Insufficient content coverage Basic level of content coverage Solid grasp of content coverage; some extensions. Solid grasp of content coverage with extensions throughout.

Note: A student whose achievement is below Level 1 (50%) has not met the expectations for this assignment or activity. This rubric is based on fundamentals on www.curriculum.org