Trigonometry has been used throughout the ages to calculate items that seem immeasurable. Today, in groups of 2 or 3, you will be off on your own quest to measure various items in the school using only measuring tapes, meter sticks, clinometers and transits. You will need to complete four activities. Each activity has 2 or 3 problems that require the same tools to solve.
Station 1: Finding Heights
Station 2: Finding Angles
Station 3: Finding Distances
Station 4: Finding It All
Step 1: Starting at one of the stations, select one problem sheet from the envelope and take the indicated measurement tools located at that station. For these activities, your group will have to determine how best to solve the problem using the measurement tools you have. After formulating a plan, take all necessary measurements, and draw a rough sketch of the situation recording the measurements that you made to solve the problem. Return to class, replace all measurement tools in the proper station and hand in the worksheet (with your names on it). Continue until you have completed the sheets from each station. When all stations are complete, collect all your worksheets from your teacher.
Step 2: Using your rough sketches, proceed to write out full solutions to all the problems in a neat, well-organized fashion, including labelled diagrams. Submit your solutions to the teacher. (Every student must complete this step.)
Many professionals and skilled trades workers use the Essential Skill of Numeracy daily in their role. The Essential Skill of Numeracy includes the skills of measurement and calculation math, data analysis math, money math, scheduling or budgeting and accounting math and numerical estimation. Listen carefully to the guest speaker in order to record information as well as identify some keys to being successful in his/her job. Record all the information on the “We Have a Visitor” Activity Sheet.