Mardel 5 in 1 Test Strips - pH, Hardness, Alkalinity, Nitrite and Nitrate, Ammonia Test Kit
Task 1: Setting the Bait!
Groups will be assigned and the group folder will be distributed.
Sit together with your group.
Read over the entire activity and make sure everyone in the group has a clear
understanding of the roles of the Project Manager, Chemical and Biological
Laboratory Technicians.
Decide on a creative name and logo for your group. Write the name and draw the
logo for your group on the Attendance and Role Log sheet.
See Table 2 . (Hint: add colour to your logo).
Record everyone’s name in Table 2 and take the attendance.
Return your group folder to the teacher.
Task 2: Luring You In!
Using a strainer, clean and wash the gravel.
Place the gravel to a depth of 2-3 cm in the jar.
Fill the jar almost to the top with tap water. Let the jar stand with the top removed
for 48 hours. This lets the chlorine leave the water.
Prepare two labels with your creative group’s name and logo. Tape one label to the
bottle representing your aquarium (hint: do not make the logo too big because light
must get into the aquarium). Tape the second label onto the front of your group’s folder.
Clean the lab station.
Assign roles for next class.
Place the aquarium in the designated location and return your folder to the teacher.
Task 3: It is “reel” easy to set up the Ecojar. After 48 hours, your Ecojar is ready to be setup.
Review the roles of PM, CLT, and BLT.
Read and follow the instructions for each role.
Refer to Steps For Success Ecojar Checklist and complete the appropriate portion