Employee Profiles
Positive Profiling
To further raise the profile of Essential Skills and their complexity
levels in the world of work, you will be conducting research at
your co-op workplace to determine which Essential Skills and their
complexity levels are used in several occupations. Once you
have collected the data, you will review all existing job
descriptions at your co-op workplace and determine how they
can be updated to include Essential Skills requirements. Upon
completing your report you will forward your
recommendations to your co-op supervisor.
Part One: Employee Questionnaire
- Create a simple questionnaire that can be completed by employees on-line
Essential Skill)
- Forward questionnaire to a minimum of six (6) employees (preferably to two in each of
three different jobs)
- Questionnaire should focus on the demonstration and usage of Essential Skills and
Complexity Levels in their occupation. Include questions on all nine Essential Skills.
• When asking questions about Essential Skills demonstrated, be sure to focus on the
frequency and complexity in which they are used and the tasks they are used for.
Part Two: Conducting The Research
- Prepare an e-mail outlining your project to your co-op supervisor
and asking them to inform their employees about your project
- Get the names and e-mails of six employees (preferably two in each
of three different jobs) that are willing to participate in your research
- Forward your questionnaire as an attachment to an e-mail request that details
why you are doing the project and thanking them in advance for participating.
Include the deadline by when you would like the completed questionnaires returned.
- Give them enough time to complete the questionnaire. Don’t leave this part
of your project to the last minute because you may not get your questionnaires
back before a due date and you will not be able to complete your report.