Out On My Own
- Living Expenses
Research all living expenses using a variety of sources (newspapers, magazines, flyers,
parents, grandparents, teachers, older siblings) and prepare the following documents:
- Floor plan of the apartment; show the placement of
all furniture. Be sure to include the cost of this
furniture in your start-up costs.
- Weekly food budget.
- Start-up costs worksheet.
- Fixed living expenses worksheet.
- Variable living expenses worksheet.
- Spreadsheet summary of your income and all expenses.
- Prepare a summary (no more than two pages)
comparing the expenses of your first year away from
home with your income. Use annual figures.
- Arrange and conduct an interview with either a parent/guardian or a mentor. The focus of
your interview is to ask them about what it was like when they first went “Out on Their
Own”. This should be an open-ended interview that allows them to tell their story. Your
job is to pick out the Essential Skills that helped them during this period. Prepare a onepage
summary of your interview including a list of the questions you asked.
- Personal Reflection (2 pages)
How Does it Feel, Living on Your Own? How do you manage your finances? What would
you change knowing what you know now? Which Essential Skills do you believe are most
important in making a successful transition from home to “Out on Your Own”?
- Self-Evaluation (see attached)
Assignment to include:
- A title page
- A table of contents
- Appendix with detailed sources
- Numbered pages