Family Studies


Out On My Own

Extension Activity Upon Completion (Visual)

black board
Data Analysis

Using the data from their interviews with staff members at school, the class could prepare a bar graph chart comparing the Essential Skills for success for each of the different categories of staff members. Subsequently, a class discussion could take place about the Essential Skills necessary for being a successful student. This could be added to the chart. This could be displayed within the school. In addition they could do a similar chart for all careers chosen.

Extension Activity

(Progress) (Visual)

As students begin the project, a large chart could be developed that has all of the Essential Skills listed and blank areas for examples of demonstration (tasks at complexity levels). Over the course of this unit, students would contribute to this chart by providing examples of how they demonstrated these skills and at what level of complexity. This is a daily reminder of how these skills are used over and over and over again and are essential for success.

Assessment: Formative