Experiential Learning:
Grade 8 Presentation
LEVEL 2 (60-69%) |
LEVEL 3 (70-79%) |
LEVEL 4 (80-100%) |
Content All topics are covered |
Content is minimal or there are several factual errors | Includes essential information but a few factual errors | Includes essential knowledge and subject knowledge appears to be good | Covers topic in-depth with examples. Subject knowledge is excellent |
Mechanics (spelling, grammar) |
More then four errors in spelling and grammar | Four misspellings and/ or grammatical errors | Three or fewer misspellings and/ or grammatical errors | No misspellings or grammatical errors |
Organization Logically planned |
There was no clear or logical organization structure, just lots of facts | Content is logically organized in most parts | Uses headings or bullets lists to organize, but overall organization of topics appears flawed | Content is well organized using headings and bulleted lists related to material |
Visuals Colour Font graphics |
Use of font, colours and graphics but distracts presentation | Makes use of font, colour and graphics but occasionally is distracting | Makes good use of colour, font and graphics to enhance presentation | Makes excellent use of font, colour and graphics setting overall theme |
Special Effects Transitions Time sequence |
No use of either transitions or timing sequences | Some use of either transitions or timing sequences but distracting | Use of both transitions and timing sequences with some distractions | Thoughtful use of transitions and timing sequences with no distractions |
Note: A student whose achievement is below Level 1 (50%) has not met the expectations for this assignment or activity. This rubric is based on fundamentals on www.curriculum.org