On The Move
Travel Assignment


Road Trip


Part 3: Reaching a Verdict

For this activity, you and your partner will be conducting a
survey to:

You must survey a total of 10 people; at least one from the following groups:
* a parent/guardian,
* a member of your school staff,
* a classmate (not taking this class)
* someone else in the community. (i.e. neighbour, bus driver, etc.)

Complete your survey by filling in Travel Log 3 for the ten people surveyed.

Part 4: The Verdict

Using the information that you have obtained in your Travel Logs, you will create a onepage flyer focusing on the method of transportation that your internet findings and SURVEY results showed to have the MOST advantages and to be the best recommendation for your client. In the event of a tie, use your own personal opinion.

You will need a blank sheet of 8 1/2" by 11" paper and some coloured pencils or markers.


Your flyer will look like a list of things to remember to pack for the trip. Fill in the rough copy of “Don’t Forget to Pack These” to get started.