On The Move
Travel Assignment


Road Trip

Don’t Forget to Pack These - Rough Outline

Client’s Name:

For your trip from: to ,
Departure Destination

between : to ,
Departure DateReturn Date

Copy (sample or real) of the ticket for method of travel recommended Hand-drawn or
computer generated or
Details in Writing
Written explanation explaining why this method was chosen Written
Departure and arrival times for start and return date Written
Two or three advantages of the method of travel Written
Written explanation for not choosing either of the other
two methods

#1 Essential Skill client will use on trip is

blank line

Written or Pictures

#2 Essential Skill client will use on trip is

blank line

Written or Pictures

#3 Essential Skill client will use on trip is

blank line

Written or Pictures
Items that you might bring on a trip depending on length
of stay, location and purpose of travel.
(e.g., briefcase = business trip vs. suntan oil = vacation)
Written or Pictures

You may wish to exchange this rough draft with another group or your teacher for any feedback, before you begin your good copy. Model your good copy after your revised rough copy. Remember to leave the instructions out!!!

Include colour and pictures where necessary to make your flyer appealing to the eye.