The tool consists of three parts: a Program Questionnaire, a Tutor Questionnaire and a Learner Questionnaire. The Program Questionnaire has 13 best practice statements, followed by indicators of success, and sample measures in a checklist format. It also includes questions to guide future program planning. As with similar tools, wherever possible, people work together to complete the Program Questionnaire.

Common Themes

A review of the Canadian documents shows a number of common themes for best practices in adult literacy. These include:

Newer documents include a section on Accountability. None of the documents includes Culture as a separate theme, although indicators relating to the culture of the learner appear in a number of documents. Similarly, Transferability of Learning does not appear as a separate theme.

We have had to fit indicators from a variety of different best practice themes into our comparison charts. We trust we have managed to reflect those from other jurisdictions as accurately as possible.