Utopia - My Ideal Future

Expected Outcomes

Stage 3
Unit 3 Assignment 2 - 6

Stage 4 Academic
Unit 1 Assignment 1 - 6

Stage 4 Employment
Unit 3 Assignment 1

DescriptionPen and Paper Method

1. For this assignment, the students may pick a writing style. They may choose poetry, prose, or song. They should use the steps of the writing process to work through the assignment.

2. The purpose of this assignment is for the students to describe their ideal futures. In so doing, the teacher will instruct the students to use as many descriptive words and phrases as possible. The students will use imagery/sensory descriptions of similes, metaphors, and symbolism to create a picture/feeling in the mind.

3. While writing this assignment, the students should keep in mind all the previous assignments in the unit. Although the story is to focus on our ideal future, the purpose of the assignment is not to create an unrealistic future. An example of such would be, having a servant feed us succulent grapes while we recline on a bed of soft, spongy moss in the middle of scenic rainforest. surrounded by fragrant flowers of reds, pinks, purples, blues, and oranges

4. The teacher will have the students choose any method of publishing. The assignment shall be handed in with a title page, written in poster form for display on the classroom wall, written into a class anthology, etc.

Sub-skills Needed:

1. Writing strategies

Materials Needed

1. No special materials required.


Computer IntegrationComputer Integration

The students will use the word processing program to create the final drafts of their assignments. The specific computer skills needed by the students will depend on the method chosen to complete the assignment.

See Computer Curriculum Guide:

Start Microsoft Word Section One, Pg. 1
Enter Text in a Document Section One, Pg. 11
Apply Bold, Italic or Underline Section Two, Pg. 5
Check Spelling and Grammar Section One, Pg. 18
Change Font, Font Sizes, and Colours Section Two, Pg. 15
Draw Objects Using the Drawing Tools Section Three, Pg. 1
Save a Document Section One, Pg. 13
Preview and Print a Document Section One, Pg. 14


Writing Rubrics and Checklists
  • Writing Evaluation Rubric
  • Writing Assessment Rubric
  • Student Writing Assessment Checklist
  • Painting a Picture with Words: Descriptive Writing Rubric
General Rubrics and Checklists
  • Rubric Template

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