Here are three things in life you need to succeed: a wishbone, a backbone and a funny bone. The first is a wishbone. I wish that my dreams will become reality and I will achieve success in life. I wish to become a dental assistant or have another career in the medical field. I not only believe in myself, but already I can visualize success in my future. All I have to do is keep up my determination to achieve it.
Second, I need to have a “backbone,” a very strong backbone, to get me through this long and winding road. I already know that I am determined. I will never let anything get in my way, such as humiliation, or people being hostile to me. I simply have to ignore them. Furthermore, I cannot forget the very important people in my life, my teachers and my classmates, for their support and feedback.
Then, on to my third and final bone, which is my “funny bone.” I really have to thank goodness that I have a funny bone to bump and to remind me how to laugh.
So, I really do believe in what Reba McEntire said: to succeed in life, you need three things: a wish bone, a backbone, and a funny bone. These three lucky charms will help me to succeed in life.
Written by: Rocky