What makes us successful in life? There are many personal qualities to help overcome obstacles in our life. We do our best to be successful and to achieve everything that is desirable; therefore, we are looking for ways to find our happiness. How do people achieve their success in life? Is it their money or maybe their hard work? What about their personality? A person with a backbone is usually strong and can overcome many life difficulties. A person with a backbone is a strong individual who overcomes obstacles in life, who has confidence, determination and ambition to succeed.
In many different ways I can say that I am this person. I overcame many obstacles in my life that I had to deal with. I had to make decisions about how to change my life and make the best of it. With my backbone, I did the best to motivate myself to achieve my goals and to move forward in life. My life has not always being easy for me, but I am determined to build a strong foundation for my daughter and myself. I want to succeed!
I could say that I am a dreamer, who has carried a wish bone through most of her life. I have wishes and goals. I believe in myself! In my life I want to have a better living, a better future, stability, and the best things that life has to offer. One of my dreams is to become a nurse and reach out to those in need. I visualize my success through my wishes to make them my reality.
However, life is not all about being serious, productive or even being indestructible. I think we all need a little laughter; not everything is always perfect. Sometimes, when things get a little rough and the world’s weight is on our shoulders, we need a good sense of humor to laugh it off. Everyone needs a funny bone to remind them to see life in a positive view. We shouldn’t take things too seriously and let ourselves get distracted from daily routine. “Every minute spent being sad is sixty seconds of unhappiness.” Sometimes I lose myself in a world of perfect harmony, and distract myself from my worries and problems, so I don’t let stress overload me. I try to see problems in a different light and perspective. When things get tough and I don’t seem able to go on anymore, I tell myself, “I breathe, I live and the rest will follow.” With my funny bone working for me, I let wonderful things come my way.
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