I would like to tell a story of who I am and what made me. My story begins when I was 21. My life then was different from what it is now. I was happy, busy, and I had so much going on, with so little to worry about. But all this changed when I found out I was pregnant. I felt overwhelmed, confused, and devastated. I felt like my perfect world had collapsed around me. My boyfriend, my closest friend, shut down emotionally. Our relationship fell apart; neither of us could communicate nor reach out to the other. I was all alone, feeling lost and abandoned. I didn’t know where to go or what to do. Month after month, my life turned into a twisted and rocky road. Everything around me spun and twisted, drawing me deeper and deeper into sadness. To make things worse, I found out I had a blood defect which meant I could not only lose my growing baby, but my own life too. I took a chance! I thought if life gave me this opportunity to have this baby growing, I should be thankful and let life take its own course. I guess some things in life are meant to be, and some are not. I moved forward and became strong. I knew I made the right decision.
Today I am happy and very lucky to have a wonderful little girl who fills my life with all kinds of happiness; there is never a cloud or a gloomy day. She is my life, my inspiration, my air, my heart. I would never give away the tears and laughter of the months and years that I went through. A backbone, a wishbone and a funny bone made me into a better person today, a strong woman, and a loving mother. In my life I found my place, my belonging. I am someone to somebody. I am proud to stand strong and cherish all that I have, because I have only one life to live.
Written by: Joanna D.