Activity 3.1.5 The Toy Shop

To relate the world of work to the world of play
Large sheets of flipchart paper
1–2 hrs
The front of a toy store
  1. This is a visualization activity that facilitators will have to carefully direct. Ask participants to close their eyes and listen very carefully. Facilitators can now recite the following instructions. Note: Pause about three to five seconds between each instruction.
  2. Instruct participants that when they have finished completely seeing and examining this toy, draw it in the centre on a piece of flipchart paper and write down the name of their toy.
  3. Now, ask them to write down all the attributes and qualities that this toy has. Write the colours, the textures, the smells, etc.
  4. Next, write down words and phrases describing what this toy needs to work well.
  5. Following that, participants can now write down why this toy makes them happy.
  6. Ask participants to write down the phrases or words that jump out. What phrases can be related to work situations, e.g., “stay on track”, if they imagined a train; “put pieces together”, if it is a puzzle-type of toy, etc.?
  7. Guide a discussion to help participants discover how the words they used to describe this toy can fit into the work they do now, or their ideal job.