Activity 3.1.6 The Doughnut of Life
- Purpose
- To see how needs are met, and focus on getting what we want
To practise committing time and action towards a goal
- Materials
- Handout–The Doughnut of Life Diagram
Large sheets of flipchart paper, coloured markers
- Time
- 1–2 hrs
Part 1:
- Instruct participants to draw a large doughnut on their paper. See diagram on the next page
and use this for an example if needed, or photocopy the diagram for participants to use as a
- Ask them to list their “needs” in the doughnut hole. “Needs” are what they must have in order
to survive.
- They will list their “wants” on the doughnut itself. “Wants” are what they don’t necessarily
need to survive, but would like to have. Note: intangibles such as “respect” can be included in
their lists.
- On the left side of their paper, ask participants to write down how they got what they needed.
- Ask participants if some of the ways their needs were met could apply to getting what they
want. Ask them now to write how they think they will get their “wants” met on the right side
of their paper.
- At the end of this exercise ask participants to choose only one thing in their “want” list to
focus on for one month and apply some action during this time to get closer to obtaining it.
Part 2:
- Additionally, facilitators may have participants draw another circle around their doughnut
and list all the things they do have. This will create a clearer vision to see how they were able
to obtain the things they have and relate the methods to getting what they want.
- Note: Facilitators can share this quote from Dr. Philip C. McGraw, PhD: “BE, DO, AND
HAVE”. You may want to write this quote on a blackboard or flipchart for an analytical
- BE committed.
- DO what you have to do. And,
- HAVE what you want.