Activity 4.2.4 An Advisory Committee

To make decisions and plans that affect others
1 hr
  1. Facilitators should give an example of how a committee works before beginning this activity or ask participants for their views on how a committee works and why we have them.
  2. Place participants into groups of five or six people. Facilitators should give each group the same issue to work on. Below are some suggested issues, or you can ask participants for some ideas.
  3. Inform participants that the Prime Minister of Canada has asked them to find solutions for environmental and daily living issues that affect all Canadians. The committee members are also asked to make recommendations for changes to any existing laws.
  4. Give participants approximately 20–30 minutes to complete their assignments. Ask each group to present their work to the rest of the class. (Each group may choose a leader to represent them.)
  5. Ask each group to discuss any difficulties they encountered with this task. What did they learn? Were there many similarities or differences among the groups?