Activity 4.2.5 Biographies of Unlikely Successes

To gain insight into adversity and overcoming challenges
2–3 hrs

Open the discussion by asking participants what challenges in life could prevent people from succeeding.

  1. Ask participants to offer opinions about the prejudices in our society against the poor, visible minorities, mentally challenged, and the physically challenged.
  2. Brainstorm with participants about famous people who overcame challenges in their lives.
  3. Ask why these people were able to be successful. Did they have a special quality? Write down answers given by the participants.
  4. Included are readings of successful people who overcame challenges: Oprah Winfrey, Temple Grandin, Chris Burke, Hirotada Ototake, and Fantasia Barrino. Note: facilitators may use their own personal choices. Video biographies are also available at most local libraries and are a wonderful addition to the readings.
  5. Instruct participants that they will read and analyze the following material about people who were not expected to succeed in life. *Facilitators may choose one or all of the readings and the time to allot to this exercise.
  6. Questions to pose after the readings:
  7. As an extra activity: After reading about famous people who overcame barriers, ask participants to choose one person and then write a biography about how this person made a difference in the world and how it altered their view on certain barriers.