Activity 1.1.1 Cultural Values

To understand core beliefs and acknowledge changes in self-development
30 mins
  1. Discuss with participants the idea that cultural values are learned throughout their lives. These values often come from parents, family and friends who surrounded them as they developed. Many societies are made up of different cultures, and different cultural values.
  2. Facilitators should brainstorm with participants to identify familiar cultural values and note these on a blackboard or flipchart.
  3. The following is a list of a few examples of cultural values that can be used to promote discussion:
  4. Based on the group list, participants should create their own list of about five values. These might be the same as some of the values in the group list or completely different. Have participants record their reflections on how their values developed. Where did they come from? Who or what in their lives shaped their values the most?
  5. Ask participants to keep this list to see if these values will change after doing activities in each unit.

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Adapted from: Xavier Career Services Center. (n.d.). Career Exploration.